Please send any Babaji dreams you would like to share...
(Dream in Subject Line)
Babaji Dreams:
I had a dream of Babaji just a few weeks ago.............July 2011
I dreamed that I was in a very dark place, perhaps traveling after this life. In the dark place, I was sitting in meditative repose, but, in the company of someone whom I did not want to be in the company of!
It seemed as though I was praying for a long time......praying to Babaji.
Suddenly, Babaji walked by me and my unwanted guest.
Babaji glanced back at me, but made no sound. He was dawned in a White Garb. His vibrations seemed unreachable.
After a long moment, Babaji continued to walk and I could not see him physically any more.
The dream ended in sadness, there I was left with my unwanted guest.
Each night after that dream I tried intentionally to envision Babaji walking by, pleading to him within my heartfelt prayer, but still in the company of a person whom I was not comfortable with.
I could not help but, try to remember the dream, in that, to see Babaji in my dream was so very pleasing to me.
Just a few days ago, (approx: September 28, 2011), the dream popped into my head after forgetting for just one day.......At the time I was overwhelmed with heavy burdens and doing homework, a realization came over me.......then a flash of Babaji in my thoughts. Somehow I knew that Babaji was trying to help me.
I know now that He cares for me in my dark hours.
Jai, Jai, Babaji, Jai!
-- Cynthia (USA)
I dreamed that I was in a very dark place, perhaps traveling after this life. In the dark place, I was sitting in meditative repose, but, in the company of someone whom I did not want to be in the company of!
It seemed as though I was praying for a long time......praying to Babaji.
Suddenly, Babaji walked by me and my unwanted guest.
Babaji glanced back at me, but made no sound. He was dawned in a White Garb. His vibrations seemed unreachable.
After a long moment, Babaji continued to walk and I could not see him physically any more.
The dream ended in sadness, there I was left with my unwanted guest.
Each night after that dream I tried intentionally to envision Babaji walking by, pleading to him within my heartfelt prayer, but still in the company of a person whom I was not comfortable with.
I could not help but, try to remember the dream, in that, to see Babaji in my dream was so very pleasing to me.
Just a few days ago, (approx: September 28, 2011), the dream popped into my head after forgetting for just one day.......At the time I was overwhelmed with heavy burdens and doing homework, a realization came over me.......then a flash of Babaji in my thoughts. Somehow I knew that Babaji was trying to help me.
I know now that He cares for me in my dark hours.
Jai, Jai, Babaji, Jai!
-- Cynthia (USA)
The dream began in my parents room of the house I grew up. I was in my parents bed with a few others and babaji was next to me. He got up and left the room and I followed him into the dining room where there is a mirror covering the whole of one wall. Babaji was looking in the mirror and projecting a smaller copy of himself in the mirror. It looked like fun so I tried it and did it. Babaji then spoke to me and said that I was more powerful than him. I got upset at the thought that I was more powerful than him but he said not to worry because when we got together we do Haidiyakhanda. Upon waking I also learned that he was also speaking as Shiva Nataraj.
At the time I didn't know this was a mantra and a couple days later I was browsing the old site and I found the information on the Haidiyakhandi mantra. I had only known the word Herkhan and was puzzled about the extra syllables in the dream. This was solved when i read about the mantra. Although I still wonder a bit what the difference in the last syllable means? Perhaps a gramatical thing?Thank you Marge and Babaji,
M.C. (USA)
There is a dream about Babaji which have told you before, but I send it to you again. Also, I can add a dream about Babaji I had a month ago...
"When I was 26 years old I started to read “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. For me, this book started a process of spiritual awakening. When I read about Babaji I was totally overwhelmed. I realised that when I was a child I had a dream about Babaji, and while reading about him, the message and vision of this dream became more vivid than ever before. This dream has been the most valuable treasure of my life. Now is the time when I want to share it with others.
When I was a boy there was a book about Tibet at my home. I liked to look at the pictures of the Himalayan mountains, since they created special, almost magnetic, feelings inside me. One night after looking in the book I had the following dream: I had climbed a mountain from a deep valley after a long and straining walk. The valley was covered with fog and fog was all around me. But then there was a man on a mountain platform, sitting beside a small hut made out of mud. I sat down before him. He played a beautiful tune on a wooden flute, and this piece of music was talking directly to my heart, soothing every sorrow. This melody was very simple, yet it contained the very essence of all music. When I was looking to the east I saw the sun was rising and the fogs were lifting. Then, I could see lands of golden light and was filled with peaceful bliss."
"I dreamed I sat in my bed with a picture of Babaji before me, when the harmonious face of Babaji suddenly started to change into a very unpleasant, demon-like face. Then, like a ball, I started to roll back and forth in my bedroom, down on the floor and up in my bed. The feeling was scary, almost like being a bun in the baker´s hands, before it will be set aside to rise and baked in the oven. In the dream I felt frightened, but I repeated "Om Namah Shivaya" all the time. This dream I had before a few days of emotional clearings."
Jörgen Ängsved (Sweden)
In my dream we were doing chores, in this place, maybe it was in Haidakan or some ashram, there were a few people and Babaji, and the next thing I wanted to do was take a big sack of rice or grain from the shelf and carry it to where it had to go, and Babaji said "Be careful, maybe it's too heavy for you" and I said, "It's ok" and went to put the sack on my bag, and to my surprise it weight like nothing, it was very, very light.
Annette (Scotland)
Upon leaving the Haidakhan ashram, where my friend and I met with Babaji in October 1982, we went to Srinagar and stayed in a houseboat on Dal Lake.
During our stay there I had a dream where I saw a large group of people facing each other while holding hands in a circle.
We were standing on what appeared to be a large single eye. The eyelashes were in the background as if on the horizon like rays of the sun.
Babaji, in His characteristic long white garment, was holding hands with us in the easternmost point of the circle.
To me this dream represents harmony in unity by living in truth, simplicity, and love; and that He is always with us. It seems to indicate our awakening as one on the New Earth.
The eye image reminds me of Matt. 6:22: 'The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.’
May God’s love shine like a diamond in our heart.
Deanne-Mary (Canada)
Om Namah Shivaya